Solar Panels for Tiny Homes: Top Picks and Buying Guide

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If you're considering going tiny, you're likely looking for ways to live more sustainably. One way to achieve this is by utilising solar power. Solar panels can be a great addition to a tiny home, providing renewable energy and reducing your reliance on traditional power sources.

Note: Make sure that the panels are compatible with the size and energy needs of your tiny home. Look for panels that are durable and efficient, as they'll need to withstand the elements and provide power consistently.

Fortunately, there are many good solar systems available on the market that are well-suited for tiny homes. From flexible panels that can be mounted on curved surfaces to high-efficiency panels that can provide power in low-light conditions, there are options to fit a variety of needs and budgets.

By choosing the right solar energy panels for your tiny home, you can reduce your environmental impact and enjoy the benefits of renewable energy.

A tiny home in Castlemaine, Australia with a rooftop solar system.

Understanding Solar Panels

If you're planning to install solar / sun panels in your tiny home, it's important to understand how they work. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic (PV) cells that convert sunlight into electricity.

The more sunlight that hits the panels, the more electricity they produce.

When it comes to choosing the right solar system (and panels) for your tiny home, there are a few important factors to consider:


Solar panel efficiency refers to the amount of sunlight that the panels can convert into electricity. The higher the efficiency rating, the more electricity the panels can produce. However, higher efficiency panels are typically more expensive.


The size of your solar panel system will depend on your energy needs and the amount of sunlight your tiny home receives. A larger system will produce more electricity, but it will also take up more space and cost more money.


Designed to last for decades, some panels are more durable than others. Look for panels with a strong frame and a high wind and snow load rating.


Solar / sun panels can be a significant investment, so it's important to consider the cost when choosing a system. While it may be tempting to go for the cheapest option, it's important to remember that a higher quality system will likely produce more electricity and last longer.

Eco homes under construction with a solar panel system installed.

Related: Top five questions to ask a solar retailer.

Benefits of Solar Panels for Small Homes

So, a solar system on your tiny home. (Something I'm planning to get in the very-near future too!) Is it worth it and what are the benefits?

Renewable Energy

Using solar is a great way to tap into renewable energy. Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy is a clean and renewable source that doesn't produce harmful emissions. By using a solar system, you can reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the environment.

Energy Independence

You can become more energy independent by setting up a solar system. You won't have to rely on the grid for your energy needs, which means you can save money on your energy bills and reduce your reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

Cost Savings

One of the biggest benefits of to using solar is the cost savings they offer. While the initial cost of installing solar can be high, you can save money in the long run by reducing your energy costs.

A solar system (including panels) can also increase the value of your home, making it a smart investment.

Energy Efficiency

A solar system is an energy-efficient way to power your tiny home. It can help you reduce your energy consumption and make your home more energy-efficient overall.

This can help you save money on your energy expenses and reduce your carbon footprint.

Solar energy (single panel) running the lights, gadgets and fans on a caravan.

Types of Solar Panels

When it comes to choosing solar panels for your tiny home, there are three main types to consider: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film.

Monocrystalline Panels

These type of panels are made from a single crystal of silicon, which makes them the most efficient type of solar panel available. They are also the most expensive. Monocrystalline panels work well in small spaces because they are compact and can generate a lot of power in a small area.

Polycrystalline Panels

Polycrystalline panels are made from multiple crystals of silicon, which makes them slightly less efficient than monocrystalline panels. However, they are also less expensive. Polycrystalline panels work well in larger spaces because they are less compact than monocrystalline panels.

Thin-Film Panels

Thin-film panels are made from layers of photovoltaic material that are applied to a surface, such as glass or metal. They are the least efficient type of solar panel, but they are also the least expensive.

Thin-film panels are flexible and lightweight, which makes them ideal for curved surfaces or uneven terrain.

Solar panels save money - especially when installed on a tiny home!

When choosing solar panels for your tiny home, consider your budget, the amount of space you have available, and your energy needs. Keep in mind that solar panel installation costs may include components like an inverter, roof racking, circuit breakers and wiring too.

Solar Panel Installation for Tiny Homes

Whether you're hiring a solar installer and/or solar company or doing a DIY solar panel installation, you'll need to consider the size of your solar panel array, the wiring, and the overall design of your tiny home.

First, you'll need to determine the size of your solar panel array. This will depend on how much energy you need to power your tiny home. A solar installer can help you determine the right size for your needs, or you can use online calculators to estimate your energy usage.

Once you know the size of your solar panel array, you'll need to decide on the best location for your panels. Ideally, your panels should be installed on a south-facing roof (depending where you're located) with minimal shading.

If your tiny home is mobile, you'll need to consider how the panels will be secured during transport.

Next, you'll need to think about wiring. Your solar panels will need to be connected to an inverter, which will convert the DC power generated by the panels into AC power that can be used in your home.

You'll also need to decide on the best location for your inverter and battery bank. (It's good to ask your tiny home builder this).

A solar installation on farmland in Victoria, Australia.

If you're doing a DIY solar panel installation, it's important to follow all safety guidelines and to have a good understanding of electrical wiring. If you're not comfortable with this, it's best to hire a professional solar installer.

Understanding Solar Power Systems

If you're planning to install solar panels for your tiny home, it's important to understand how solar power systems work. A solar power system consists of several components that work together to generate, store, and distribute power. Here's a brief overview of each component:

Solar Panels: These are the most visible part of the system and are responsible for converting sunlight into DC power.

Charge Controller: This component regulates the amount of current that flows from the solar panels to the battery bank. It prevents overcharging and undercharging of batteries.

Battery Bank: This component stores the DC power generated by the panels. It's important to choose the right type and size of batteries for your system.

Inverter: This component converts DC power from the battery bank into AC power that can be used to power your appliances and lights.

AC/DC Power: AC power is the type of power used by most household appliances and lights. DC power is the type of power generated by solar panels and stored in batteries.

Grid-Tied System: This type of system is connected to the utility grid and allows you to sell excess power back to the utility company.

Rooftop solar panels on tiny home (bird's eye view).

When designing your solar power system, it's important to consider your energy needs, the size of your home, and your budget. A good solar setup will provide reliable power for your tiny home without breaking the bank.

Off-grid vs Grid-tied Systems

When it comes to choosing a solar panel system for your tiny home, you have two options: off-grid or grid-tied systems. Each has its pros and cons, and the choice you make will depend on your specific needs and circumstances.

Off-grid Systems

Off-grid systems are designed to provide power to your tiny home without relying on the electrical grid. They are ideal for those who want to live off the grid or in remote areas where grid power is not available. Off-grid systems typically include a solar panel array, battery bank, charge controller, and inverter.

One of the main advantages of off-grid systems is energy independence. You are not reliant on the grid, so you don't have to worry about power outages or rising energy costs. However, off-grid systems can be expensive to install and maintain, and they require careful monitoring to ensure that you don't run out of power.

Grid-tied Systems

Grid-tied systems are connected to the electrical grid and allow you to sell excess power back to the utility company through net metering. They are ideal for those who want to reduce their energy bills and have a reliable source of power. Grid-tied systems typically include a solar panel array, inverter, and grid-tie inverter.

One of the main advantages of grid-tied systems is that they are less expensive to install than off-grid systems. They also require less maintenance and monitoring. However, grid-tied systems are reliant on the grid, so you may experience power outages if there is an issue with the grid.

A simple solar panel system like this can power lights and USB connection for phone etc.

If you want to live off the grid and have energy independence, an off-grid system may be the best option for you. If you want to reduce your energy bills and have a reliable source of power, a grid-tied system may be the best option.

Energy Consumption in Tiny Homes

When it comes to tiny homes, energy consumption is a crucial factor to consider. Since tiny homes are small in size, they require less energy to heat and cool compared to traditional homes. However, the amount of energy consumed by a tiny home depends on various factors, including the appliances you use, the climate you live in, and your energy usage habits.


The appliances you choose to use in your tiny home play a significant role in your energy consumption. It is essential to opt for energy-efficient appliances that consume less power. When selecting appliances, look for the Energy Star label, which indicates that the appliance meets energy efficiency guidelines set by many governments.

Heating and Cooling

Heating and cooling are the most significant contributors to energy usage in a tiny home. To reduce energy consumption, consider using a mini-split system for heating and cooling. These systems are more energy-efficient than traditional HVAC systems and can save you money on your electricity bills.

Air Conditioning

If you live in a hot climate, air conditioning is a must-have in your tiny home. However, air conditioning can consume a lot of energy, leading to high electricity bills. To reduce energy consumption, consider using a portable air conditioner or a window unit. These options are more energy-efficient than central air conditioning systems.

Electricity Costs

Electricity costs vary depending on your location. Before installing any appliances in your tiny home, research the electricity costs in your area. This information will help you make informed decisions about the appliances you use and how you use them.

Energy Bills

By reducing your energy consumption, you can save money on your energy bills. To do this, consider using energy-efficient appliances, installing a mini-split system, and using a portable air conditioner or a window unit. Additionally, consider using alternative energy sources, such as solar / sun panels, to power your tiny home.

Solar panel rebate - check to see if you can get a solar loan for your panels.

Cost and Savings

When it comes to choosing solar panels for your tiny home, cost and savings are important factors to consider. While panels can require a significant upfront investment, they can also provide long-term cost savings and energy efficiency.

One of the main benefits of solar panels is that they can significantly reduce your power bill. By generating your own electricity, you can decrease your reliance on the grid and potentially eliminate your monthly electricity bill altogether.

This can result in significant cost savings over time, especially if you live in an area with high energy costs.

In addition to reducing your power bill, see if your local government offers a solar tax credit. Some tax credits allow you to deduct a portion of the cost of your solar panel system from your federal taxes, further decreasing the overall cost of your investment.

Overall, solar panels can provide significant cost savings and energy efficiency for your tiny home. By reducing your reliance on the grid and taking advantage of any federal solar tax credit available, you can enjoy the benefits of clean, renewable energy while also saving money on your power bill.

Environmental Impact

When it comes to choosing solar panels for your tiny home, it's important to consider their environmental impact. Solar panels are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment, but not all solar panels are created equal.

One of the biggest environmental benefits of solar panels is that they produce clean energy without emitting any greenhouse gases. This means that they don't contribute to climate change, which is a major environmental concern. Additionally, solar panels don't require any fuel to operate, so they don't produce any pollution or waste.

Another important factor to consider is the manufacturing process of the solar panels. Some manufacturers use eco-friendly materials and production methods, while others may not. When choosing solar panels, look for ones that are made from recycled materials and have a low carbon footprint.

It's also important to consider the weather in your area when choosing solar panels. Some panels perform better in certain climates, so choose ones that are well-suited for your location. For example, if you live in a sunny area, you may want to choose panels that have a higher efficiency rating.

We build big homes in Australia, but I guess at least we use solar!

Overall, choosing solar panels for your tiny home can have a positive impact on the environment. By selecting panels that are eco-friendly and well-suited for your location, you can reduce your carbon footprint and help promote renewable energy sources.

Solar Panel Kits for Tiny Homes

When it comes to powering a tiny home, solar panels are an excellent option. They are eco-friendly, cost-effective, and easy to install. However, choosing the right solar panel kit for your tiny home can be overwhelming. Here are some things to consider when selecting a solar panel kit for your tiny home:

Solar Kit Size

The size of your solar panel kit will depend on the energy needs of your tiny home. You'll need to calculate the amount of energy you need to power your home and choose a solar panel kit that can meet those needs.

Grape Solar

Grape Solar offers a variety of solar panel kits for the US market. Their solar panel kits are designed to be easy to install and come with all the necessary components. Their kits are also affordable, making them a great option for those on a budget. If you are looking for a reliable solar panel kit for your tiny home, Grape Solar is definitely worth considering.

Grape Solar 100-Watt Off-Grid Solar Panel Kit

The Grape Solar 100-Watt Off-Grid Solar Panel Kit is an excellent option for tiny homes. It is designed to be easy to install and comes with everything you need to get started.

The kit includes a 100-watt solar panel, a charge controller, cables, and mounting hardware. The kit is also expandable, so you can add more solar panels / solar generator as needed.

Balcony power? If you have limited roof space your panels can be positioned elsewhere.

Challenges and Solutions

When it comes to using solar panels for small / tiny homes, there are several challenges that you may face. However, with the right solutions, you can overcome these challenges and enjoy the benefits of using solar energy.


One of the main disadvantages of using solar panels for small / tiny homes is the initial cost. Solar panels can be expensive to purchase and install, which can be a barrier for some people. Additionally, solar panels may not be as efficient in areas with limited sunlight or during the winter months.


Despite the initial cost, there are several benefits to using solar panels for small or tiny homes. Solar energy is a renewable and sustainable source of energy that can help reduce your carbon footprint.

Additionally, solar panels can help you save money on your energy bills over time, as you will be generating your own electricity.


To help offset the initial cost of solar panels, look for any available incentives. Sometimes you can get tax credit for residential solar energy systems. Additionally, some states and local governments offer rebates or other incentives for installing solar panels.


The climate can also impact the effectiveness of your panels. In cold climates, snow and ice can accumulate, reducing their efficiency. (However, you can do things like installing panels at an angle to allow the snow to slide off).


It is important to properly maintain your solar panels to ensure they are working efficiently. This may include cleaning the panels periodically and monitoring their performance. Additionally, it is important to have a professional install your solar panels to ensure they are installed correctly and safely.

LED Bulbs

Finally, it is important to use energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs in your tiny home to maximise the benefits of your solar panels. LED bulbs are a great option, as they use less energy and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.


Choosing the right solar panels for your tiny home is crucial to achieving energy independence and living off-grid. With the increasing popularity of tiny homes and the growing demand for clean and green energy, solar has become a practical and cost-effective solution for many homeowners.

When selecting solar PV panels for your tiny home, it is important to consider factors such as efficiency, durability, and cost. The most efficient solar panels may not always be the most cost-effective, so it is important to find a balance between performance and affordability.

In addition, it is important to ensure that your solar panels are compatible with your tiny home's electrical system and that they are installed correctly to maximize their efficiency. Working with a professional installer can help ensure that your solar panels are installed safely and correctly.

Overall, solar power is a reliable and sustainable source of energy for tiny homes. By investing in solar panels, you can reduce your reliance on traditional power sources and enjoy the benefits of energy independence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the power requirements for a tiny home?

The power requirements for a tiny home vary depending on the appliances and electronics you use. Generally, tiny homes require between 1000-3000 watts to run. It is important to calculate your power requirements before purchasing a solar system.

What is a power purchase agreement for solar?

A power purchase agreement (PPA) is a contractual agreement (usually 10-20 years) between energy buyers and sellers. In the case of solar power purchase agreements, a developer pays to install a solar energy system on a homeowner's property and sells the solar energy to the homeowner at a fixed rate. This allows homeowners to access clean and economical solar energy without having to buy and install the solar panels themselves.

How many solar panels are needed to run a tiny home?

The number of panels needed to run a tiny home depends on the power requirements / power consumption of your home. Typically, a tiny home requires between 2-8 solar panels to generate enough power for daily use.

Can solar panels be installed on a tiny home?

Yes, solar panels can be installed on a tiny home. In fact, tiny homes are a great option for solar power as they have a smaller footprint and require less energy to operate. It is important to ensure that your tiny home has enough space to accommodate the solar panels and that they are installed correctly.

What do solar panels cost for a tiny home?

This can vary depending on the size of your home and the number of panels needed. Generally, solar panels for a tiny home can cost between $5,000-$20,000. However, the investment can pay off in the long run as solar panels can significantly reduce or eliminate your energy bills.

Is it possible to power a tiny home with off grid solar system / panels?

Yes, it is possible to power a tiny home off-grid with solar panels. In fact, many tiny homes are designed to be off-grid and rely solely on solar power for their energy needs. It is important to ensure that your solar panels are properly sized and installed to meet your energy needs.

Do cheap portable solar panels work for powering a tiny home?

Cheap portable solar panels may work for powering a tiny home, but they may not be the most efficient or reliable option. It is important to invest in high-quality solar panels that are designed for long-term use and can withstand the elements.

What are the best solar panels for tiny houses?

We mentioned the Grape Solar 100W kit above. We like it because it can be expanded over time to meet increasing energy needs. You can also look into the Goal Zero Sherpa 100 Solar Recharging Kit.

Remember to consider the available roof space for mounting panels, the energy efficiency of the panels, and the overall electricity usage of the tiny house. Additionally, factors such as solar panel efficiency, location, and any government incentives and rebates should be taken into account when selecting your solar panels.

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