12 Easy Ways to Declutter Your Home in 2024

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Does the thought of a clutter-free home sound like a dream come true? Imagine walking into a space where everything is organized, and you can easily find what you need.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of how to declutter your home room by room, revealing valuable tips and storage solutions to help you achieve that dream. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

Note: Download our free declutter checklist PDF here.

Key Takeaways

  • Break down the decluttering process into smaller tasks with SMART goals and a helpful checklist.
  • Identify clutter hotspots in your home to prioritize them in your plan.
  • Follow daily routines, "one in one out" rule and regular check-ins for maintaining a clutter free space!

Starting the Decluttering Journey

Tiny homes (and boats) tend to have less storage space so (in theory) you collect less stuff!

The prospect of embarking on your decluttering journey might appear daunting, but dividing it into manageable tasks can make it less intimidating.

Start decluttering by identifying clutter hotspots in your home, such as countertops, closets, and drawers.

Once you have a clear picture of these areas, set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals for your decluttering (and minimizing) process. For instance, aim to declutter your bedroom within two weeks or tackle one room at a time.

Creating a decluttering checklist can help keep you organized and focused throughout the process. Here’s a helpful decluttering tip: follow these steps to make the most of your decluttering efforts.

  1. Start by sorting items into three piles: keep, donate or sell (garage sale?), and trash.
  2. Be ruthless in letting go of unwanted items - if they’re damaged or no longer serve a purpose, it’s time to part ways with them.
  3. Tackle one room and one area at a time.
  4. Gradually transform your home into an organized, clutter-free sanctuary.

1. Identify Clutter Hotspots

Before you start minimalizing, it’s important to identify the areas in your home that gather the most clutter. Common hotspots include bathroom cupboards, kitchen countertops, and bedroom nightstands.

Assess these areas and prioritize them in your decluttering plan. Addressing the most cluttered spaces first allows for quick progress and keeps motivation high.

To keep clutter hotspots in check, consider implementing daily decluttering routines and the "one in, one out" rule. Regularly decluttering these areas will prevent a buildup of items and maintain the organized space you’ve worked so hard to create.

Remember, consistency is key to maintaining a clutter-free home.

2. Set SMART Goals

Setting SMART goals for your decluttering journey ensures a successful and manageable experience:

- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Relevant
- Time-bound

These provide a clear roadmap to follow and help you track your progress. For example, instead of a vague goal like "declutter the house," opt for a more specific goal like "declutter the kitchen by the end of the month."

Examples of SMART goals could include "donate 10 items from my closet every week" or "organize the bathroom cupboards in two days."

Dividing your decluttering project into smaller, manageable parts allows for better progress tracking and more opportunities to celebrate achievements.

Room-by-Room Decluttering Tips

A decluttering timeline may help. (Make a habit of doing a bit each day).

Now that you’re equipped with a plan and SMART goals, it’s time to tackle each room in your home. From the kitchen to the living room, we’ll provide you with valuable decluttering tips to create a more organized and functional living space.

Remember, the key is to break the process down and focus on one room at a time, ensuring a thorough and efficient decluttering experience.

Adopting a room-by-room approach allows for clear progress visualization, maintaining motivation throughout the process.

Here are some specific tips for each entire room to assist you in creating a harmonious, clutter-free home.

3. Decluttering the Kitchen

The kitchen is often the heart of the home, and a clutter-free kitchen can make a significant impact on your daily life. Begin by clearing countertops, leaving only the essentials like cooking utensils and appliances.

Next, tackle pantry items, organizing them by type and ensuring that expired food is discarded.

Maximize cabinet space by utilizing stackable drawers and dividers to keep items neatly organized. Don’t forget to declutter and organize your kitchen cabinets, ensuring that items are easily accessible and stored neatly.

Upon completion of this process, your kitchen will morph into an efficient, organized space that makes cooking and meal prep a pleasure.

4. Bedroom Bliss

A serene and clutter-free bedroom is essential for relaxation and rest. Start by decluttering nightstands, dressers, and closets, removing any unnecessary items and creating designated storage spaces for your belongings.

Implement drawer dividers and organize clothing by type and color to make it easier to find and put away items.

Consider investing in storage solutions such as under-bed storage or built-in closet organizers to maximize space and keep your bedroom tidy. A clutter-free bedroom serves as a peaceful sanctuary for rest and rejuvenation.

5. Bathroom Breakthrough

Transform your bathroom into a clutter-free oasis by organizing toiletries, linens, cleaning supplies, and detergent and fabric softener in your laundry room.

Start by decluttering bathroom cupboards, discarding expired medications, makeup, and skincare products. Utilize vertical space by installing wall shelves to store frequently used items and keep them within easy reach.

Consider using clear plastic containers or labeled bins to organize items, making it simple to find and access what you need. Decluttering and organizing your bathroom results in a functional, stress-free space to begin and end your day.

6. Living Room Revamp

Revamp your living room by decluttering bookcases, electronics, and toys. Start by removing any items that do not belong in the living room, such as misplaced items from other rooms or broken electronics.

Create designated storage spaces for frequently used items, such as remote controls, to keep them organized and easily accessible.

Consider adding built-in storage or utilizing vertical space with bookcases and wall shelves to create a more organized and functional living area. A decluttered living room offers an inviting, relaxing space for unwinding and entertaining.

Storage Solutions for a Clutter-Free Home

Use multipurpose furniture to store items. (These IKEA Eket cubes are handy too!)

With your home decluttered, it’s time to explore creative storage solutions that will help maintain your organized space. From multipurpose furniture to vertical storage ideas and clever container options, these solutions will maximize space and keep your home clutter-free.

Investing in innovative storage solutions not only enhances the functionality of your home but also contributes to maintaining a clutter-free environment.

Here’s a deeper look at each of these storage options to help keep your home organized and efficient.

7. Multipurpose Furniture

Multipurpose furniture is a fantastic way to maximize space in your home. By investing in pieces that serve multiple purposes, such as storage ottomans, beds with built-in drawers, or convertible tables, you can create additional storage without sacrificing floor space.

When selecting multipurpose furniture, consider the size and design of your room, materials, and construction, as well as your specific needs and budget.

Incorporating multipurpose furniture in your home leads to a more organized, functional living space.

8. Vertical Storage Ideas

Utilizing vertical wall space is another excellent way to create more space without taking up floor space. Wall shelves, bookcases, and hanging organizers can help you store items vertically, giving your room a more spacious and organized feel.

Maximizing vertical space allows for diverse household items storage like books, jars, and decorative objects, maintaining your living area clutter-free.

Vertical storage solutions are both practical and visually appealing, making them a valuable addition to any home.

9. Clever Container Options

Containers play a crucial role in keeping your home organized and clutter-free. Using labeled bins, baskets, storage boxes, and clear jars can help you store items in an organized manner, ensuring they’re easily accessible when needed.

Additionally, storage bags can be a useful solution for keeping various items neatly tucked away.

Consider placing containers in various areas throughout your home, such as bathroom cupboards, kitchen cabinets, and closets, to maintain an organized space.

Implementing clever container options simplifies item location and helps maintain a clutter-free home.

Maintaining a Clutter-Free Home

Use our how to declutter your home checklist. (Many apps available too).

Achieving a clutter-free home is only half the battle; maintaining it requires ongoing effort and dedication. Here are some strategies to help you maintain a clutter-free home:

  1. Incorporate daily decluttering routines.
  2. Practice the "one in, one out" rule - for every new item you bring into your home, remove one item.
  3. Conduct regular decluttering check-ins to reassess your belongings and get rid of anything you no longer need or use.

By following these strategies, you’ll ensure that your home remains organized and functional.

Staying on top of clutter not only improves the aesthetics of your living space but also benefits your mental health by reducing stress and creating a more harmonious environment.

Let’s explore these strategies in more detail to help you maintain your clutter-free home.

10. Daily Decluttering Routines

Establishing daily routines can make a significant impact on maintaining a clutter-free home. Simple habits, such as putting items away immediately after use and conducting a quick tidy-up each evening, can prevent clutter from accumulating.

By incorporating these daily routines, you’ll create a more organized and efficient living space, making it easier to find and store items when needed.

Consistency is key to maintaining a clutter-free home, and daily decluttering routines will help you achieve this goal.

11. The "One In, One Out" Rule

The "one in, one out" rule is an effective strategy for maintaining a clutter-free home. Discarding or donating an item whenever a new one enters the home helps prevent clutter accumulation and maintains an organized living space.

Practicing the "one in, one out" rule requires mindfulness and discipline, but its benefits extend far beyond a clutter-free home.

By limiting the number of items in your living space to only what you need, you’ll create a more organized and efficient environment, ultimately improving your overall well-being.

12. Regular Decluttering Check-ins

Scheduling regular decluttering check-ins is crucial for maintaining a clutter-free home. These check-ins allow you to assess your progress, identify areas that need more attention, and make any necessary adjustments to your decluttering strategies.

Conducting regular decluttering check-ins keeps you accountable to your clutter-free goals, ensuring your home stays organized and functional.

Remember, maintaining a clutter-free home is an ongoing process, and regular check-ins will help you stay on track.

Enlisting Professional Help

Avoid clutter by putting things back where they came from (in your home that is)!

If you’re struggling with the decluttering-word-process or simply want expert guidance, enlisting professional help can make a significant difference.

A professional (minimalizer?) or organizer-type-person can provide personalized solutions tailored to your unique needs and lifestyle, ensuring a more organized and functional home.

Here are the benefits of hiring a professional and some tips on finding the right one to support your decluttering journey.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Organizer

Hiring a professional organizer can save you time and reduce stress during the minimising process. They provide expert guidance, helping you make informed decisions about what to keep, discard, or donate, and can devise personalized solutions to maximize your living space.

In addition, an organizer can offer valuable tips and strategies to maintain a clutter-free home long-term. Enlisting professional help ensures a successful decluttering experience and an organized, functional living space.

Finding the Right Organizer

Finding the right organizer is essential for a successful decluttering experience. Start by researching local options, reading reviews, and conducting interviews to ensure that the organizer is a good fit for your needs and budget.

When selecting an organizer, consider their qualifications, experience, and any specialized areas of expertise. Finding the right organizer provides expert guidance and support throughout the decluttering / minimalizing process, leading to a more organized, functional home.

Tackling the minimising process in bite size chunks tends to help! (One space/room at a time).


In conclusion, decluttering your home room by room not only creates a more organized and functional living space but also contributes to improved mental health and well-being.

By implementing the decluttering tips, storage solutions, and maintenance strategies discussed in this blog post, you’ll transform your home into a clutter-free sanctuary.

So, what are you waiting for? Embark on your decluttering journey today and experience the life-changing benefits of a clutter-free home.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 20 / 20 rule for decluttering?

The 20/20 rule for decluttering is a simple rule of thumb that can help you make decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of. It says that if you can replace an item for less than $20 in less than 20 minutes, you should declutter it.

This rule is especially helpful for getting rid of "just-in-case" items, which are often the biggest source of clutter in our homes. We hold onto these items because we're afraid we might need them someday, but the reality is that we rarely do.

To use the 20/20 rule, simply ask yourself:

  • Can I replace this item for less than $20?
  • Can I replace this item in less than 20 minutes?

If the answer to both questions is yes, then you can declutter the item without guilt.

Of course, the 20/20 rule is just a guideline. There may be some items that you want to keep even if they meet the criteria. For example, you may want to keep a sentimental item, even if it's cheap and easy to replace.

How do I start to declutter my house?

Start your decluttering / minimizing process by following the 80/20 Rule, breaking down tasks into small achievable projects, and creating three piles of items to keep, donate, or toss. Utilize storage solutions and set up systems to make it easier to maintain your organized space.

What is the 80 20 rule for decluttering?

The 80/20 rule states that we use and wear 20% of our things about 80% of the time, meaning we rarely ever use and wear the other 80%. So when it comes to decluttering, we don't have to part with all our belongings - just the ones we don't really need!

What is the fastest way to declutter a house?

Declutter your home fast by stopping the inflow of clutter, doing a trash sweep, removing distractions, donating items, using the 80/20 rule, being ruthless, setting a timer, and creating drop zones. Sort items into three piles - keep, donate, and toss - and find specific homes for everything you intend to keep. Utilize storage solutions and create a system for easy access.

How long does it usually take to declutter a room?

It typically takes a weekend to declutter a room, so it's an achievable task that you can tackle in one or two days.

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