Embracing Vastu House Design for a Healthier Lifestyle (Interview)

important vastu tips for home design interview

Embracing Vastu House Design for a Healthier Lifestyle (Interview) Interviews Tiny Homes News Did you know that the way your home entrance faces could make a difference to your health and wellbeing? In this interview, we have a fascinating discussion with Jonathan Lipman about Maharishi Vastu, an ancient Indian system of architecture that is based…

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Is Nestron Cube The Ultimate Modular Tiny Home? (Interview)

nestron cube 2 modular tiny home

Is Nestron Cube The Ultimate Modular Tiny Home? (Interview) Interviews Tiny Homes News Have you ever dreamed of living in a futuristic smart house that can do everything for you? Well, I recently had the opportunity to interview the folks behind Nestron, a Singapore-based company that specialises in creating fully integrated prefabricated smart houses that…

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The Elsewhere Pod: Small House Design Redefined (Interview)

modular construction prefab home

The Elsewhere Pod: Small House Design Redefined (Interview) Modular Homes Interviews News I interviewed Matt Decarne, CEO from Elsewhere Pods. They create gorgeous, innovative prefab homes cocooned in a titanium structure, almost entirely incased in glass. I did my best to allow Matt to talk so he’d tell me everything he knew! Here’s the interview……

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Are Tiny Homes Worth It? We interview Dianne in Castlemaine

tiny living space worthwhile

Are Tiny Homes Worth It? We interview Dianne in Castlemaine Interviews Tiny Homes News Ever wondered if tiny house living was really a thing? We interviewed Dianne & Monty (her cute dog) who live in their own tiny home in Castlemaine, Australia; and we managed some nice aerial snaps too. (Questions I plan to explore…

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